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Below is a selection of features commonly found in a diverse range of religions and worldviews. When you reflect on your life, whether religious or not, how important are these to you?
Not part of my tradition/worldviewNot important at allA little bit importantImportantVery importantCentrally Important
1. A guide to living, day to day
2. A path of obedience to follow
3. Guidance on values, right and wrong
4. Desire for justice/equality
5. Motivation to make the world better
6. Belief in God or the Divine or a higher power
7. Belief in life after death
8. Belief in karma and reincarnation/rebirth
9. Belief in spirits/angels/jinn etc.
10. Written sources of wisdom/authority
11. A clear creed or declaration of faith or belief
12. Intellectual support for my worldview
13. A path to personal salvation/rescue/release from problems and misfortune in this world
14. Personal prayer/reflection/meditation etc.
15. Community prayer/reflection/meditation etc.
16. Personal rituals
17. Family rituals
18. Community rituals
19. Festival celebrations
20. Celebrating important stages of life
21. Being part of a community
22. Compassion
23. Personal happiness
24. A sense of identity
25. Something that gives meaning and purpose
26. A deep connection to the Earth and all living creatures
27. A sense of the presence of God/the Divine/a higher power, in everyday life
28. Spiritual experiences
29. Emotional support through life's challenges
30. A story or stories that inspire and guide
31. A tradition that links me to my community, culture, place and history
32. Religious, spiritual or community leaders (e.g. priest, lmam)
33. Practical support though life's challenges
34. Saint/guru to follow
35. Place(s) of power (e.g. sacred/significant)
36. Place(s) of pilgrimage

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