How to create your worldview graphic

Instructions for teachers or group leaders

Create your group by filling out a short profiling form

Invite your group to join via your unique web address

Group members choose what theme to explore and create their chart by completing a short form

View all charts from your group in one place and encourage members to explore and compare

Instructions for individuals

Choose what theme to explore and create your chart by completing a short form

View your chart and compare your results to others

Discover YOUR worldview

What is your idea of God?

Applying research from psychology on what people think God is like, fill in how far you agree that some key terms describe what God is like, in your personal worldview, and a snowflake graphic will show how your ideas compare with others.

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Explore the impact of your worldview

How much impact do different features of religion have on your personal worldview – however religious you are (or aren’t)? Fill in a survey and a spidergram graphic will instantly show the shape of your worldview and how it compares with others.

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